New Year, New Compliance REquirements for 2023

In December, we shared a few things every business should do in 2023, like updating your employee handbook to include legally mandated additions required in 2023, rolling out enforceable arbitration agreements, beginning a wage and hour compliance plan, and training your managers and employees on wage and hour policies and practices.

Woman's sitting at a wood desk and writing something with coffee in the background

As you find your footing in the new year, we wanted to send a quick reminder that it’s a great time to circle back to those best practices we mentioned.  Taking care of compliance issues in the first part of the year means you’ll have more time to focus on running your business.

To get you started, we’re simplifying things a bit.  We have flat-fee arrangements available in most circumstances.  Additionally, for those businesses that sign up and subscribe to our affiliate company Cal Comply’s online wage and hour training within the first quarter of 2023, we will be discounting the subscription price for the first year and providing access to our soon-to-be-released arbitration module free of charge for the first year.

Lastly, Cal-OSHA’s non-emergency two-year COVID regulations will become effective this month.  We are here to help you navigate the required policies, procedures, notices, and amendments to your Injury and Illness Prevention Program to address COVID-19 hazards.  Similar to our handbooks, we have flat-fee options available to ensure you are in COVID-19 compliance for the long term.

Click the button below to connect with an attorney.

Medina McKelvey

Medina McKelvey’s mission is to make California businesses stronger. We want employers to walk away from any lawsuit, legal challenge, or compliance issue stronger, wiser, and better protected. We want to see your business thrive before, during, and after any legal matter. We are a full-service employment law firm that equips and empowers California businesses with high-impact legal solutions. We are known for being one of the most strategic law firms in California, as well as for our groundbreaking work defending and protecting businesses from wage and hour class and PAGA action lawsuits—the biggest legal risk currently facing California employers.

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